Overnight Success Online – The First 3 Days

By Ernest Saco

We did it!  We launched!  This post will describe the first 3 days.  From Thursday night when we launched, through the weekend.

Ka’ching!… Ka’ching!… Ka’ching!  All weekend long!  That’s the noise the Shopify app makes when someone buys a shirt on our site.  It quickly became our favorite noise.

All weekend long we got sale after sale and didn’t have a single shirt ordered.  That’s right, we were making money without a product.  This was exactly the scenario we wanted.  Our supplier had a quick turnaround time for when we placed our order, therefore having a 7-10 day shipping promise allowed us the flexibility of placing our first order the Monday after we launched.

We had done $1,345.00 in sales from Thursday night to Sunday night.  This came out to 55 shirts.  This gave us the money we needed to place the order the following day.  As well as purchase the envelopes, packaging material, and shipping costs to send the shirts off.  All of these sales derived from a retweet from an influential person and a few social shares on Facebook.

The next day we ordered 60 shirts and the real work began!  The next post will go over our first month in business, how much we sold, and how we did it.


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